Dilton Marsh Flower & Handicraft Show

Dilton Marsh Flower & Handicraft Show is a non-profit organisation and annual village event that has been running since 2009 held in Dilton Marsh Memorial Hall.




The show is open to residents of Dilton Marsh or members of Dilton Marsh organisations. 

Organisations like

Dilton Amateur Gardening Club

Dilton Marsh W.I

Holy Trinity Church

Dilton Step Up Pre School

Dilton Marsh C of E Primary School

Little Marshians toddler group

and so on… 

With classes suitable for ALL abilities to join in with their homegrown produce, baking and handicraft. There are classes specifically aimed at under 18 year olds. 

Sponsorship is kindly donated from local businesses, residents and the Parish Council. This is an essential part of the show because without that support we couldn’t run the show. You will find details of our sponsors within the shows schedule.

Thank you to each and every sponsor. 

Your entries are anonymous, and only named on certificates if you are placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd or Highly Commended.

The more classes you enter the better your chance of winning a cup ?? 


  • JOHN IRVING CUP: Awarded for the most points gained in the fruit and vegetable classes.
  • MEAD NURSERY CUP: Awarded for the most points gained in the flowers and floral art classes.
  • JOAN BRACKEN CUP: Awarded for the most points gained in the cookery classes. IRIS HARES CUP: Awarded for the most points gained in the handicraft classes.
  • DILTON PHOTOGRAPHY CUP: Awarded for the most points in the photography classes.
  • W.I. CHALLENGE PLATE: Awarded to the winner of the group display. CHARLOTTE BOLWELL MEMORIAL AWARD: Awarded for the most points in the children’s classes.
  • DILTON AMATEUR GARDENING CLUB CUP: Awarded for the winner of the most points overall.


We open the doors and welcome the public to view the show as of 2pm on the day, with prize giving and an auction of show produce.  

Keep an eye out for posters and schedules, follow us on our Facebook page to stay updated or contact us via email -  diltonmarshflowershow@gmail.com
