The following planning applications were considered at the January PC meeting:
PL/2024/10872 | Kings House, 44 High Street, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, BA13 4DY | First Floor Extension, Storeroom Conversion, External Finish and Appearance Alterations –referred from the December meeting. PC Comment - No Objection |
PL/2024/10929 | Kings House, 44 High Street, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, BA13 4DY | Proposed detached single storey carport and workshop – referred from the December meeting. PC Comment - No Objection |
PL/2024/11127 and PL/2024/11346 | 6 ST MARYS LANE, DILTON MARSH, WESTBURY, BA13 4BL | Single storey rear extension and replacement rear porch PC Comment - No Objection |
PL/2024/11387 | 8 Fairways, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, BA13 3RU | Proposed single storey rear extension. Proposed bay window, front door and canopy roof to front elevation. Proposed remodeling of dormer windows PC Comment - No Objection |
PL/2024/10578 | Rose Villa, 79 High Street, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, BA13 4DP | Single-storey utility room addition, a two-storey eastern extension with living and dining rooms, a kitchen/breakfast room, a master bedroom with en-suite, and a single-storey kitchen extension. Additionally, a double garage will be constructed on the western edge of the property. PC Comment - Comment with referrals to the Case Officer |
PL/2024/11663 | Land on the west side of Storridge Road, Westbury | Underground cable PC Comment - No Objection |
The following application was considered at the November PC meeting:
PL/2024/06523 | Land South of Clivey, Dilton Marsh | Erection of up to 85no. dwellings, access, open space, landscaping, supporting infrastructure and associated works (Outline application relating to access - Resubmission of PL/2023/01048) Following debate, members resolved to object to the application (proposed Cllr Gibbs, seconded Cllr Ness). A copy of the Council’s grounds for objection is appended to the minutes. |
The following application was considered at the October PC meeting:
PL/2024/06523 | Land South of Clivey, Dilton Marsh | Erection of up to 85no. dwellings, access, open space, landscaping, supporting infrastructure and associated works (Outline application relating to access - Resubmission of PL/2023/01048) Following debate, members resolved to object to the application (proposed Cllr Gibbs, seconded Cllr Ness). A copy of the Council’s grounds for objection is appended to the minutes. |
The following planning applications were considered at the September PC meeting:
PL/2024/07306 | 2 Shepherds Mead, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, Wilts, BA13 4DX | Variation of conditions 2 and 3 to PL/2021/11615 - to enable changed to the approved elevations to include an extended front garage with room above and alterations to approved footprint. PC Comment - No objection |
PL/2024/03810 | Plot D2, Kingdom Avenue, Westbury, Wiltshire | Variation of condition 3 (approved plans) on PL/2022/03938 to reduce the number of generators from four to three. |
PL/2024/07279 | Tower Hill House, 36 Tower Hill, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, BA13 3SP | Change of roofing material and colour. Installation of 3No. roof lights PC Comment - No objection |
PL/2024/07165 | The Willows, 7B Stormore, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, BA13 4BH | Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) relating to application PL/2022/06197 PC Comment - No objection |
The following planning applications were considered at the July PC meeting:
PL/2024/06262 | Land adjacent 163 High Street, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, BA13 4DR | Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) on PL/2021/11613 to allow for minor design changes incorporating removal of false chimney, removal of rear lean-to roof, removal of rear gable No objection |
The following applications were considered at the June PC meeting:
PL/2024/04827 | Fairwood Cottage. 36 Fairwood Road, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, BA13 4EL | Erection of a single storey extension to replace the current link between the house and the annex, a small single storey extension to the south and west elevations of the annex, extending and adjusting the existing porch area, and adjusting an existing opening to allow bi fold doors between the kitchen and the garden PC Comment - No objection |
PL/2024/03279 | Land adjacent , 2a Clivey, Dilton Marsh, BA13 4BQ | Certificate of lawfulness to provide confirmation that the development works have commenced and that the consent should not expire in relation to planning permission 19/08686/FUL - erection of 3 bed house PC Comment - No objection |
PL/2024/03810 | Plot D2, Kingdom Avenue, Westbury, Wiltshire | Variation of condition 3 (approved plans) on PL/2022/03938 to reduce the number of generators from four to three PC Comment - No objection |
The following planning application was considered at the May PC meeting:
PL/2024/03771 | Gainsborough Cottage, 3 Tower Hill, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, BA13 3SP | Blocked paved driveway PC Comment - No objection |
The following planning application was considered at the April PC meeting:
PL/2024/03148 | 30 Tower Hill, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, BA13 3SP | Removal of existing roof, construction of ground floor extension and formation of new roof providing additional accommodation PC Comment - No Objection |
The following planning application were considered at the March PC meeing:
PL/2023/04959 | Land Off Fairwood Road, Dilton Marsh, Wilts | Amended Plans Retention of mobile home and storage containers. Erection of agricultural building, portacabin, mess and reception building and tool storage and hay barn. Formation of hard standing and track in association with agricultural uses. Change of use of part of land to seasonal tourist uses. Use of pond for recreational fishing. PC Comment - Objection |
The following planning applications were considered at the February PC meeting:
PL/2024/00679 | 9 Clay Close, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, BA13 4DU | Proposed Annex in the grounds No objection on the condition that the annexe remains ancillary to the main dwelling. |
PL/2023/01880 | Land rear of 117 High Street, Dilton Marsh, BA13 4DP | Outline application with some matters reserved for proposed development of up to 54 dwellings, including 30% affordable and supporting infrastructure. (access only) (revised scheme) Original objection re-stated |
PL/2024/00328 | Thoulstone Park Golf Club, Thoulstone, Chapmanslade, BA13 4AQ | Erection of a bat barn with office and store at ground floor level No objection subject to environmental measures being met |
The following planning applications were considered at the January PC meeting:
PL/2023/10788 | 56B High Street, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, Wilts, BA13 4DY | Replace roof and side extension Support |
PL/2023/09633 PL/2023/10019 | The Coach House, Hisomley Farmhouse, Hisomley, Dilton Marsh, Wilts, BA13 4DD | Internal and external modifications and extension to existing ancillary residential building (former Coach House) to improve accommodation and create swimming pool, with associated works. No Objection |
PL/2023/10434 | Step Up Pre School, High Street, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, Wilts, BA13 4DY | Addition of wooden lodge style building in grounds to create a new baby room No Objection |
PL/2024/00025 | The Elms, 3a High Street, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, BA13 4DL | Variation of condition 2 of PL/2022/06619 (approved plans) No Objection |
The following planning applications were considered at the November PC meeting:
PL/2023/03877 | 1 & 2 The Poplars, Sand Pit Lane, Dilton Marsh, Wiltshire, BA13 4FA | Erection of Two Single Story, Two Bedroom Dwellings and removal of two existing mobile homes Amended plans PC Comment - Objection |
PL/2023/09313 | Clearwood Boarding Cattery, Clearwood, Dilton Marsh, BA13 4BD | Approval of reserved matters (scale, layout and external appearance of the development and landscaping of the site) following outline approval PL/2022/08550 for erection of three bed house. PC Comment - No objection |