Litter Picks

Dilton Marsh Wombles ~ Litter Picks

Our village litter picks are organised throughout the calendar year, equipment is provided (pickers, hoops and bags), routes are planned on arrival, it takes around an hour or so. The rubbish collected will be disposed of.

The litter picks are advertised on the Parish Councils Facebook Page, link below or simply search for ‘Dilton Marsh Parish Council’, the Parish Councils website, link below and village noticeboards.

If you’d like to borrow equipment and go out in your own spare time then please contact the clerk and we can arrange.
Please click here to visit our Facebook page

#DiltonMarsh #DiltonMarshWombles #Wiltshire #Teamwork #ProudOfOurVillage #Litterpick #Wombling #LookingAfterWhereWeLive #Volunteer #KeepingDiltonMarshTidy #KeepBritianTidy #LitterHeroes

Litter Pick poster



The next Litter Pick will take place on Saturday 16th March 2024 


10 am at the Memorial Hall

Complimentary Refreshments available afterwards!

Express your interest via the below link: